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Your Path Forward
Welcome To "Your Path Forward" (6:12)
Your Path Forward Workbook
DAY ONE VIDEOS: The Domino Effect
LIVE: The Domino Effect
Character Creation: Crafting Your Vision (19:03)
Choose Your Quest: Defining Your Future Goals (31:56)
Chutes And Ladders: Planning Your Journey Step by Step (21:33)
Coworking Session
DAY TWO: Creating Your GameBoard Strategy
LIVE: Creating The Path To Your Dreams
Juggling Priorities: Mapping Your Path Forward (34:44)
Create Your GameBoard: Developing a Personalized Roadmap to Your Dreams (70:49)
Mini Games: Creating GameBoards For Repetitive Projects (14:36)
Rolling The Dice: Embracing Adaptability in Your Journey (27:13)
Multiplayer Mode: Chasing More Than One Goal (24:25)
Coworking Session
FINAL LIVESTREAM: Gamify Your Goals & Follow Through
Notion GameBoard Template (25:36)
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Notion GameBoard Template
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